Recently, on some short video platforms, such a "thrilling" scene will be brushed from time to time: the camera sweeps across a room, dozens of computers are placed on the table, and the anchor on the screen is selling goods online in real time, but the accompanying text reads: "It's too scary, the 200-square-meter live broadcast base is empty, and it is all AI digital human live broadcast." ”
Chen Zhuan, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Hubei Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, mentioned in his speech that the development of food science and the healthy development of the food industry are a major event to implement the Healthy China strategy and meet the people's pursuit of a better life
Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the National Society has actively responded to the call of the China Association for Science and Technology, given full play to its organizational and expert advantages, and united and led the majority of scientific and technological workers to actively participate in the people's war of epidemic prevention and control
Today, many industries are embracing weight loss as an innovation driver. These include automotive technology, aerospace technology and medical technology. Ultrasonic cutting is a growing number of materials used in lightweight construction...